Happy Easter!

Resurrection Day will be commemorated this year on Sunday, April 4th. There is some controversy regarding the common name of this holiday as “Easter” and much history surrounds this event. As believers in Jesus Christ, we should all be ready to share the Gospel of His death, burial and resurrection with the world around us and celebrate the fact that this particular resurrection means that we have eternal life at work within us right now and will be working within us forever. We have a hope and a future with the King of kings and Lord of lords. 

The origins and etymology of “easter” is an interesting study, but for the Christian, the focus of this day and season should be Jesus and how He can resurrect anything that has been lost or damaged in life including relationships, opportunities and dreams. Just as we have trusted our eternal existence to God through Jesus, we can and should entrust all the lesser things of this temporal life to Him. 

As we approach this year’s Resurrection Day, let us have a renewed focus on our King, our Master, our Savior and on His instructions concerning the life He secured for us. Read the gospel accounts of His earthly life. Read His words of promise to us and insert your name. He said them to each person who would ever call on His Name in faith. (Jn 17:20)


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