The School Chaplain Program equips students, teachers and parents to share Jesus with their community as well as encouraging other believers in the Word of God. The following teacher testimonies from Central and South America illustrate the effectiveness of the work of the Mission Generation team and their partners. “I feel full with the school counseling courses, it is helping me a lot to continue to significantly implement my work as a psychologist, so that it is always necessary to search, acquire new knowledge and above all update myself. It will help me a lot in the chaplain counseling process. Being able to encourage and modify behaviors in students through words and guide them to make good decisions that can guarantee a future free of violence. The topics addressed empower me, since it is a very interesting topic that I love because I love what I do and I am satisfied to be able to help my students. Even though we are a private Christian school the chaplain training me the practical application of the word of God. These are topics inspire me to be a better professional and that are very helpful in continuing to focus on today’s new generations, who need us so much.” -Gloria “Communicating Bible wisdom gives us confidence to reach students helping to solve their problems. Confidence must start with the student, which comes from knowing the will of God through His word. We have many materials which we can search in our networks according to their age so that they trust themselves but it is not all Godly. The communication process is the responsibility of the chaplain. The message and reaching the respect and needed of the students depends on how we use our voice or the message we can give which we give us the appropriate response. The tools you provide to give us an adequate answers to the students get out of their doubt. The conferences helps us a lot as teachers to understand the students and also how to help each student in their life. The chaplain program helps us to train ourselves how to understand and break that chain of hopelessness.” – Janeth “I am grateful for participating in the chaplain program. It has helped to provide me help to students in the face of any difficulty or problem they are going through especially since problems and difficulties always arise in the student’s life. We play a role by supporting them. It is very important for teachers as counselors to support the student so that they continue to have goals to meet. The topics discussed helped me enrich my knowledge of God. I didn’t really believe in God, but I wanted to better help my students. Now I follow Jesus. Since we as teachers know it is commendable to never quit learning. We are learning and with these topics we become much stronger in support of our students.” -Willian
It is important for the believer to remember that harvest-time...