It’s exciting to hear of the impact Mission Generation teachings are making in the lives of young people! Sometimes, students just need something to unlock the belief that they have potential. The principles and lessons laid out in the Mission Generation curriculum are doing just that.
Alejandro Mansilla, a 14-year-old from Panama, shared his experience. Alejandro says that his attendance at school was poor because he liked to go out with his friends. He didn’t want to study, so his mom threatened to throw him out of the house. One of the days he did go to class, the teacher taught a Mission Generation lesson. She taught them that they all had a purpose, and to fulfill it, they had to make a plan for their future. On that day, Alejandro made the decision he was going to be a doctor and help the sick like his grandfather. He proudly states that now he does not miss a day of school.
Alejandro’s story is one of the many testimonies of lives changed through Mission Generation! Students just like him are changed every day!